Resizing images across your entire library

With FarCry image management you can nominate exactly the image dimensions you need across various incarnations of every image in the library.  Need a thumb, feature thumb, mid size image and so on?  Provided you have a reasonably high resolution source image you can easily maintain a whole spectrum of crops to match your web site design.

FarCry will even make intelligent aspect crops, and resizes according to your preferences.

Re-skinning a site might lead to a series of image dimensions changes across the board; bigger thumb, smaller mid-size, whatever.  Using the FarCry API you can readily resize all the images in the library in one fell swoop. Put your server to work!

Gav put together a quick and dirty script that might get you started:

But then if you want a little more finesse, there's always Jeff's awesome "Bulk Image Resize Script", complete with video tutorial.


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