Array Upload: A multi-file uploader to array formtool

Awesome new formtool added to the p600 maintenance branch -- scheduled for milestone 6.0.16

The Array Upload allows you to nominate a specific content type, and a file or image property therein. For example, dmImage or dmFile. Then you can select multiple files, have them upload simultaneously, create the underlying content items and attach them to your content. Sweet! 

Look at those three images all uploading inline! Yep, that's three images selected from the existing image library (the thumbs) and three additional images uploading together.

You can list items in the array in "List" or the new "Tile" format (shown). All the drag and drop reordering magic you would expect is there.

And there's a new instant edit handler for related content! The standard Array form tool lets you nominate your own libraryEdit.cfm view, but for Array Upload you just list the properties you need to manage.

While you could use Array Upload for all kinds of scenarios, it's just plain marvellous for content where you want to attach a bunch of files; image galleries, file lists and more.


638 views and 10 responses

  • Sep 9 2011, 1:07 AM
    Geoff Bowers responded:
    Awesome bit of UI magic, Blair. Love yer work :)
  • Sep 9 2011, 5:32 AM
    Sean Coyne responded:
    That is really sweet. Great job Blair.
  • Sep 12 2011, 6:54 AM
    Jeff Coughlin responded:
    I agree. This is awesomeness. The auto-upload progress bars are pretty sweet too.
  • Oct 1 2011, 2:51 AM
    Tunç Şengün responded:
    Excellent work Blair. Thanks.. May I ask when this will be available for 6.1? We are about to launch a new website on 6.1 and would love to use this feature.
  • Oct 1 2011, 6:09 PM
    Isabella Bowers responded:
    It should be there now. If its not that's an oversight -- we
    regularly merge p600 into p610 and trunk.
  • Feb 2 2012, 1:16 AM
    Tunç Şengün responded:
    It's a really silly question but how do we use this feature? Any documentations? We are on 6.1.3..
  • Feb 2 2012, 6:12 AM
    Sean Coyne responded:

    There isn't any documentation that I can find, but all you need to do is add a cfproperty tag with ftType="arrayupload" and it will use this formtool. You can find the various options for the formtool by looking at the CFC. You can find it at /farcry/core/packages/formtools/arrayupload.cfc

    At the top of that file you wlil see a list of cfproperty tags. These are all the "ft" attributes you can use to change the functionality of the formtool. You will need an ftJoin="dmImage" or ftJoin="dmFile" but there are lots of other attributes you can use as well. If I ever get a moment ( unlikely :( ) perhaps I can add a page to the wiki explaining all the options.

  • Feb 2 2012, 3:09 PM
    Isabella Bowers responded:
    Thanks for that Sean! Couldn't have said it better myself.
  • Feb 16 2012, 5:57 AM
    Tunç Şengün responded:
    Hi Sean

    Thanks you very much for explaining this as easy as posible.. Addition to your instructions I have also needed to add ftFileProperty=imgSource" as it was giving me an error.

    I think this is the best Farcry feature for me now :) What a time saver when you are adding 10 photos to a product!

  • Mar 16 2012, 5:25 AM
    ralph eggleston responded:
    Nice feature !!