FarCry Express: Ready to Run Install


FarCry Express is a "ready to run" installation of the latest FarCry 6.1 code base and the brand spanking new Fandango theme. So now you have no excuse for not checking out the latest FarCry code base!


Express is not a production ready environment, but its a lot of fun to get a handle on the FarCry caper, run a few tests, do some training or just toy with an idea.  The install runs a Railo Express instance from the folder -- everything is contained in the one little directory branch. To uninstall or start a-fresh, just delete the folder and you're done. It even works on a USB!

Am working on a massive revamp of the FarCry Developer Course, and its going to be cool to distribute the courseware as a little "ready to run" install, complete with solution.  Plus we'll be releasing regular alpha's for the upcoming 6.2 so more folks can give us much needed feedback without having to maintain their own local installation.


There are more recent versions of the Express build available in the ./express folder on http://farcrycore.org/builds

1377 views and 5 responses

  • Nov 24 2011, 8:51 PM
    Geoffrey Bowers (Facebook) responded:
    The whole Railo caper is getting surprisingly good; well done Gert and team!
  • Nov 25 2011, 1:00 AM
    Fredi responded:
    Nice work deamonites!
    The new skin looks much better ;-)
  • Nov 25 2011, 9:38 AM
    Tunç Şengün responded:
    Excellent! Can't wait to see the new Farcry Developer Course. When do you think you will publish it? :)
  • Mar 29 2012, 1:35 AM
    cti97 responded:
    might be a stupid question, but I started FarCry espress and I don't know how to access it. It doesn't say anything about that in the readme file .. So .. How do I access it in the browser? Tryed localhost/webroot with and without port 8887
  • Apr 2 2012, 11:57 PM
    Geoff Bowers responded:
    There should be a relevant README in each folder root. Once Railo Express is started you would access the site on http://localhost:8888