Fandango Web Design

Fandango: A foolish or useless act or thing.

Fandango Home Page

The Fandango (v6.2.x) release of FarCry Core for ColdFusion shipped with a brand new HTML5 design by the same name. This design replaced the original Mollio design as the default theme to ship with the FarCry installer.

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Friendly URLs on NGINX

NGINX is fast becoming a popular web server for web apps. Daemonite Jason had a bit of a tinker getting FarCry Friendly URLs to work with the NGINX re-write module.

# farcry test
server {
    listen       80;
    server_name  sowsew.local alias;

    location / {
       root   C:\Users\Jason\workspace\sowsew\projects\sowsew\www;
       index  index.cfm index.html index.htm;

       proxy_redirect      off;
       proxy_set_header    Host            $host;
       proxy_set_header    X-Real-IP       $remote_addr;
       proxy_set_header    X-Forwarded_For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

       try_files $uri $uri/ @farcry;
    location @farcry {
       rewrite ^/(.*)$  /index.cfm?furl=$1 last;


FarCry Repos Now On Github

We're moving FarCry version control repos to Github from SVN. While all plugins and related code bases have been moved, the core is still in a state of transition; we're still committing to SVN and syncing changes into Github.

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Default Password Encoding for FarCry Users

In FarCry Core 6.2 we have switched to hashing user passwords by default. This means the plain text paswords you may have seen in your usertable are now encrypted; prefixed with something like $2a$10$.

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Posterous FarCry Blog Archive

With the move to GitHub repos, we've moved the FarCry Committers Blog to GitHub Pages.

Going through older posts, its great to stumble across some gems in there. If you have a favourite let us know and we'll update and re-post in the new format.
